Own your past
Shift your future
The OwlSeek Method will show you how to make empowered choices through awareness and perspective. Learn how to own your past decisions and choices like facts and how you're going to change moving forward.
of Knowing
It's where we rest, retreat and connect to source energy (whatever that is for you). Where we hear and listen differently.
We are stuck in a rut because our neurological pathways keep doing the same thing. We can't shift our focus if we don't try another perspective.
Engaging in introspection can help you discover a genuine sense of certainty within yourself.
About Choices
We're always between two worlds, we are always been two things, we're always between two choices. A healthy pendulum is swinging between this and that.
for Change
Make time to sit on the edge of the window sill and rest. Step out of the confines of your mind and make sense of the noise.
your Soul
Dive into yourself with a sense of knowing and finding where you're at through writing and through experiences.
Strategies to manage the hurt, unhappiness constraints felt by societal expectations.
Rediscover your values and your value through visualization, journaling and self-reflection.
Learn about the importance of retreat and how to plan one for yourself or a small group.
Change your thoughts, change your beliefs, change the narrative, change the next chapter in your life.
In this workshop we come back to your core values to come back to your value. Because you've made what you do define what you value and those are not your values.
Key takeaways:
Learn how to listen differently
Ask for what you want differently
Visualize what you really want
Learn how to tap into how you want to feel
Course details:
Self directed with 3 live sessions with Jill over 3 weeks to get answer to your specific questions.
Course Activities:
Vision boarding
Vision Journaling
Visualization meditations
Change your thoughts, change your beliefs, change the narrative, change the next chapter in your life.
In this workshop we come back to your core values to come back to your value. Because you've made what you do define what you value and those are not your values.
Key takeaways:
Learn how to listen differently
Ask for what you want differently
Visualize what you really want
Learn how to tap into how you want to feel
Course details:
Self directed with 3 live sessions with Jill over 3 weeks to get answer to your specific questions.
Course Activities:
Vision boarding
Vision Journaling
Visualization meditations